

Dec 13, 2021

It’s futile to just “spin” because of worry and fear and anxiety. It seems like a perfectly great idea to just wish things away and trying to “RUSH” TIME by pressing fast forward. Life does not have a FAST FORWARD BUTTON. We have to deal with and focus on what is right in front of us at THIS MOMENT.

A “cubit” is roughly equivalent to a step. This Bible verse reminds us that WORRY WILL NOT HELP US TAKE ONE SINGLE STEP TOWARDS GROWTH and maturity.

FIND GRATITUDE IN “THE NOW”; what am I thankful for at this moment.

A few versus later, the advice is to NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE BECAUSE TODAY HAS ENOUGH CHALLENGES OF ITS OWN. Embrace NOW. Focus on the challenges and circumstances of getting better TODAY! Trusting the process of daily growth and development should avoid some of the worries of “too far down the road” thinking.

If you are in the middle of a hard story/tough times right now and not sure of the outcome, it is a fight to stay in YOUR OWN HEADSPACE/control the controllable and to not worry or to be anxious. Keep fighting. Find HOPE! Trust good! Believe in the POSSIBLE.