

Jan 1, 2022

At the start of the NEW YEAR, it’s a great time to reflect and formulate your WHY. For athletes, knowing your WHY matters.

What is WHY? It’s what MAKES YOU GO! It’s your PASSION & PURPOSE. PASSION & PURPOSE helps you to align your thinking with your actions so they are consistent with your goals.

Defining your WHY will help you maximize your productivity and keeps you focused especially during times of stress and adversity.

Successful athletes have PASSION & PURPOSE in everything they do. They are focused and determined to get better every day. They have specific goals that they actively pursue because they understand WHY what they do MATTERS. It gives meaning & purpose to their journey.

When you love what you do and understand WHY YOU DO IT and that WHY has special meaning and purpose to you then what looks like too much hard work and too many hours of practice and sacrifice to others is simply FUN and enjoyable to you.

That’s why passionate & purposeful athletes are the first ones to practice and the last ones to leave.

Passion and purpose MATTERS —understanding your WHY (what makes you go; what makes you say, YES) gives you that zealous edge and enthusiasm and devotion & discipline to outperform and out work others. When others are tired and whining and making excuses because their WHY is superficial, you can go an extra hour longer or journey another mile and always outwork and stay ahead of your competition.

Your WHY gives you purpose and meaning, devotion and discipline, motivation and determination, grit and resilience.

Your WHY constantly reminds you of your direction.

Developing a WHY with meaning and purpose is the best way to ensure that you pursue excellence and stick with the plan by making incremental progress towards your goals while avoiding setbacks and lulls and gaps in your pursuit of excellence.

Successful athletes understand their WHY. They have a passion and purpose for what they do. They are focused and determined with devotion and discipline to get better every day. They have specific goals that they actively pursue.

It is their WHY (passion & determination, devotion & discipline, meaning & purpose) that helps them overcome struggles and adversity and failures.

If you LOVE WHAT YOU DO then it is emotionally important to you to pursue excellence. You LOVE making the extensive commitment of time and energy to achieve the team goals.

Athletes who are able to express their WHY can connect with others, and provide “voice” to their LOVE which influences and impacts and motivates others.