Swing Attractors

Training Insights: “Swing Attractors” by Coach Mike Lotief… Pelvis Loading, Part 2—The Planes of Movement
What is pelvis loading? And why is it important in hitting a baseball/softball? This is Part 2 in a 5-Part Series on Pelvis Loading in Baseball/Softball Hitting. When differentiating movement patterns of the pelvis, it matters to identify the sequence and interaction...

Training Insights: “Swing Attractors” by Coach Mike Lotief… Pelvis Loading, Part 1—It’s All in the Hips (or Somewhere Deep Below)
Moving the hips at the right time and in the right directions will help you increase your bat speed and allow you to hit the ball harder and further and continue to progress to become the best hitter possible. Extra Inning Softball continues our series of articles...

What is a Swing Attractor?
Want to learn the mechanics of hitting for power? Welcome to our ongoing series of articles by former DI college coach Mike Lotief explaining “Swing Attractors” and how they can revolutionize a player’s swing! What is a “KINEMATIC SWING ATTRACTOR?” Here’s how...