If you are trying to attain excellence, then you must be in control of your own thoughts and emotions. Negative thoughts and doubts and worry are common mental obstacles, referred to as MENTAL TRASH, that every competitor must learn how to deal with.
(Author’s note: this is an article I wrote for a presentation to our team in the FALL 2011 after we made it to our 2nd WCWS in 2008, lost in 2009 Regionals, won the 2010 Regionals but lost to UCLA in the 2010 SUPERS, then lost the 2011 Regionals, and more and more “negative chatter” was happening about us on softball Internet forums).
It takes mindfulness and discipline and perspective to learn to select and choose which thoughts to focus on and which ones to THROW AWAY. CHAMPIONS CHOOSE WHAT TO FOCUS ON & WHAT TO THROW AWAY.
If you worry about WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU (NEGATIVE STUFF which is not constructive) or WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU (most often, commenting on an OUTCOME) or how others LABEL YOU NEGATIVELY because of pettiness and jealousy, then you will never achieve excellence.
Take out the garbage and make room for joy.

People gossip and try to mess with other people because they have SMALL MINDS and in their small minds it is much easier to trash others than facing their own demons. The small minded are much more comfortable talking behind your back because saying things face-to-face requires guts/moral courage and a genuine concern/empathy to help that person get better — but small minded people lack moral courage (guts) and empathy.
Why on earth do people talk behind others back? Those small minded people most times have shattered self-confidence themselves and waste precious moments of their life trashing others rather than investing in that person’s growth & well being.
If you let what other people say about you in social network forums or what is written about you in a tweet affect your thinking and thus affect your performance, you need to “take out the MENTAL TRASH” and recommit yourself to the process of pursuing EXCELLENCE.

It does NOT matter what other people think or say about you – whether it is positive or negative. In your pursuit of excellence, people are going to try and pull you down. They will “talk trash” about you. They will stab you in the back. They will say unflattering things. That’s part of it.
- Be more concerned about your pursuit of excellence.
- Be more concerned about your character (what is true) than your reputation (what people say).
- Focus on the truth rather than what somebody said on an internet chat room.
- The 6 inches between your ears is YOURS TO CONTROL — IT’S YOUR SPACE — YOU OWN IT.
The reality is that very few people are truly committed to the pursuit of excellence. You must be able to look yourself in the mirror, and you must be able to hold yourself accountable. Every night when your head hits the pillow, you must know that you did your very best that day and that you must commit to excellence when you awake. If you are fortunate enough to have teammates or coaches or a support structure that also are pursuing excellence and give you constructive feedback, then consider yourself fortunate.
There are different groups that create MENTAL TRASH:
(1) the “naysayers” & “dream stealers”,
(2) the “haters” and “fakers”,
(3) gossipers & tweeters,
(4) the partiers & instant gratification,
(5) the “yes” people, and
(6) worry warts and worriers.
These types of people do NOT confront the truth nor understand the process of growth and development.
(1) Sometimes, you are faced with the “naysayers”; people who tell you, you CAN’T do it. They say that you are not big enough or not fast enough or not strong enough. They come up with all the excuses why you are not good enough to succeed. They are trying to “steal your dreams away” by convincing you that you don’t have the talents nor the time nor the treasures to succeed.

(2) Then there are the “haters” and “fakers” – the people who always attempt to tear you down or talk trash about you or spread mean spirited stories/rumors in an attempt to distort the truth and try to discredit your efforts.
It seems that the bitter, negative, personal tone that is so apparent now in American politics is the same tone that has engulfed sports. There are more and more “haters” and people who feel entitled to make negative, personal, unflattering comments about players, teams, coaches and sports performances. Put on your blinders and put in your earplugs because no matter how hard you try, you just cannot understand why some people want to hurt you by trying to make you feel bad about yourself.
Even people on your own “team” and within your own “family” can disguise themselves as friends and supporters, when in fact they are FAKERS. When they see you doing good things and enjoying the perks of success and hard work and growth, envy eats them up and they resort to gossip and rumors and lies and hate. When they resort to false labels and slander and talking behind your back, they are trying to diminish your success and drag you down. The more successful you become, remember that haters and fakers will continue to paint you in a negative light because they are unable to stand others succeed and grow. TAKE THE TRASH OUT!

(3) Gossipers tell tales and spread rumors because they are jealous of your growth mindset and pursuit of excellence and because they will never invest in themselves to get better so they rather tear others down. Gossipers just sit around comparing themselves with others and their psyche gets so messed up that instead of them focusing on themselves, they project their insecurities and frustrations by trashing and lashing out on others. How sad is it that tearing down others is the main preoccupation in their life?

Real friends and leaders and teammates confront hard issues face to face not by a tweet — accountability sometimes is a hard conversation to have. Constructive criticism with PURE MOTIVES helps others you care about grow and learn and get better. Investing in others is what true leadership is. Friends or teammates or administrators who talk behind your back are “gossipers” who rather talk trash in order to avoid dealing with their own insecurities.

(4) Others question WHY you do it and try to distract you from your goals – they are chasing instant gratification (“partiers”/the party tonight) and have no concept of the discipline and commitment it takes to pursue the long journey of excellence (delayed satisfaction, sacrifice). Because all they care about is having fun NOW, they have no concept of what it means to invest in a long term goal.
(5) Or even worse, sometimes you are faced with “yes people”; people who tell you that you are the best when in fact, you are only “average”— false praise. These people do not hold you accountable or push you to be your best. They just continuously make statements that only look at the best interest of one individual instead of seeing the BIG PICTURE and goals of the team. Along those lines, some of us are surrounded by support structures who allow us to have “pity parties” or who sit around and “make excuses” and “blame others” and “whine and complain”.
(6) The worst kind of garbage that stinks up our minds is WORRY. The word “worry” in Greek means “to walk around in circles”. Some worry about things that happened years ago – we cannot change the past. And you cannot determine the future. Outcomes are not the focus in athletics; it’s about the process. Every time you worry, then go to work PREPARING. Don’t let worry mess up your preparation nor your performance by stinking up your mind. Take out the TRASH.
Take out the trash! Once you take out the trash, actually put something better in, so that it takes up the space of the thrown away trash. IOW, REFRAME your mindset with the proper perspective and positive self-talk.

You need to learn what triggers your mind to go to all the wrong places – fear, doubt, worry? Separate the TRASH FROM THE TRUTH. Always look at failure or struggle as an opportunity to learn and grow.
In your mind, figure out how each experience can make you stronger – each challenge confronted and solved teaches valuable lessons that will only make you better.
Haters and naysayers want to take a snapshot of you at your worst moment or from a disappointing performance and want that label to “stick” forever, but people with a GROWTH MINDSET do not stay stuck in the past & linger in a fleeting moment nor wallow in past misery – they GET BETTER & MOVE FORWARD & continue to learn and grow.
The best way to keep the garbage out is to think of what is TRUE & HONORABLE & RIGHT & PURE & ADMIRABLE & LOVELY. Philippians 4:8-9.

If your objective is excellence then you cannot be surrounded by flawed thinkers, because eventually you will compromise your own standards too.

Make room in your life and make room in your mind for things & people that are on the journey of growth and excellence and eternal truth and who encourage you to keep learning and getting better, instead of trashing you. Invest your time in people and things that “feed your soul”.
Champions know it does not matter about the trash other say and talk about, because champions are made. They are developed. Find a learning environment and people interested in your growth and development.

Growth MINDSET is a “skill” and a “perspective” and a “choice”.
- Anyone can be a champion if they are committed to excellence and a GROWTH MINDSET.
- Find the right “team” that is committed to a learning environment of growth and development.
- Follow the fundamentals.
- Stick to the protocols.
- Trust the process.
- Be able to “control” your own thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in all the mental trash.
- Stay on your journey with passion & purpose and devotion & discipline.
About the Author

Mike Lotief coached 17 successful years as either the head softball coach or co-head softball coach with his wife Stefni Whitton Lotief at the University of Louisiana from 2002-2017 with an overall coaching record of 731-176 (80.6 winning percentage). Every season, the Ragin Cajuns softball team advanced to the NCAA tournament and also advanced to three (3) Women’s College World Series (2003, 2008, 2014) and from 2012-2016 advanced to five (5) straight NCAA Super Regionals. Coach Lotief produced over 40 All American selections and his 2017 team lead the nation in scoring and was ranked in the Top 10 in home runs, slugging percentage, on base percentage.
The coach is a cancer survivor (twice) and was the first person in the U.S. to receive the Pro Trach device. Mike and Stefni spearheaded and raised the funding to build the new softball stadium in 2009 and the new softball indoor hitting facility in 2015. They are proud parents to Chelsea, who played softball and graduated from the Univ. of Louisiana in 2018, and Andrew, who is a junior at Louisiana studying Mechanical Engineering.
Previous Articles in this Series
- The Mental Swing Attractors: Failure Cannot Break You (Nov. 11, 2021)
- Training Insights: “Swing Attractors” by Coach Mike Lotief… the Flaws of Pelvic Loading (Nov. 9, 2021)
- The Mental Swing Attractors: Push Yourself… You Don’t Have to Be #1 to BE #1! (Nov. 4, 2021)
- Training Insights: “Swing Attractors” by Coach Mike Lotief… Pelvis Loading, Part 2—The Planes of Movement (Nov. 2, 2021)
- The Mental Swing Attractors: Remove the Rope from Your Ankle & Get Rid of the Limiting Beliefs! (Oct. 28, 2021)
- Training Insights: “Swing Attractors” by Coach Mike Lotief… Pelvis Loading, Part 1—It’s All in the Hips (or Somewhere Deep Below) Oct. 26, 2021
- The Mental Swing Attractors: Champions are Developed by Devotion & Discipline! (Oct. 21, 2021)
- Training Expertise: “Swing Attractors”… the Secrets of Power Hitting by Coach Mike Lotief (Oct. 19, 2021)
More About Mike Lotief
- Why Michael Lotief is a Legendary Coach? by Jay Patel
- The Secret To Michael Lotief’s Success. By Jay Patel
- Michael Lotief Fights for Rajin’ Cajuns by Graham Hays ESPN
- Michael Lotief: Taking His Sport to New Heights by Neha Kapoor
- For the Love of the Game: A Look at Ragin’ Cajun Softball’s Power Couple
- How Louisiana-Lafayette’s Michael Lotief Develops Hitting Gems by Graham Hays ESPN